Friday, May 18, 2012

 Exploring the Local Zoo

We continued to explore photography at the local zoo.  We went to Potawatomi Zoo in South Bend to take pictures of the animals and their zoo habitat.  It was an enjoyable to see the animals and walk through the zoo since it has been years since I have gone there.  After the trip we created dioramas and pictures of an animal of our choice.  We were encouraged to think of a unique way to represent personally our view of the animal and its habitat.  I decided to draw a picture of the swans and the pond area.  I colored everything in and then added real feathers to the swans and a rock textured paper to some of the rocks and artificial leaves to some of the trees.  It made certain things stand out and gave it a unique edge.  I think this would be a great activity to do for younger students.  After all the dioramas are finished the students could create on poster paper a large zoo map based on what they remember.  This would be a great way to tie in mapping content from social studies.  Then they could all place their dioramas in the correct place and go on a zoo diorama field trip.  Students could then write a written reflection based on what they learned about their chosen animal or other aspects of the zoo.  This could also be a great foundation for a teacher doing a unit on animals or the zoo.  It also is a great place to do some photography with students.  Students could also connect a zoo visit with certain children’s books and poems.  

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